Qu'est-ce que double-stack ?

"Double-stack" or "double-stacking" is a term commonly used in transportation and logistics. It refers to the practice of stacking shipping containers on top of each other on a freight train or a container ship.

Traditionally, containers were stacked only one high on transportation vessels due to various limitations, such as height restrictions. However, with advancements in technology and infrastructure, it became possible to stack containers two high, thus maximizing the cargo capacity and improving efficiency.

On freight trains, double-stacking involves specially designed rail cars with a lower deck and an upper deck to accommodate two layers of containers. This allows railways to transport a larger number of containers in a single trip, reducing shipping costs and improving overall productivity. It is particularly beneficial for long-distance transportation across countries or regions.

Similarly, on container ships, double-stacking is achieved by having special container slots or decks designed to hold containers on both levels. This enables ship operators to carry more cargo within the available space, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.

Double-stacking has become increasingly common in modern transportation due to its advantages. It allows for higher utilization of available transportation capacity, reduces fuel consumption per container, and lowers carbon emissions per unit of cargo. By maximizing the use of stacking space, transportation providers can deliver goods more efficiently and at a lower cost.

However, it's important to note that double-stacking has its limitations. Infrastructure, such as tunnels, bridges, or overhead power lines, needs to be designed or modified to accommodate the increased height of the stacked containers. Additionally, the weight and stability of the train or ship must be carefully considered to ensure safe and secure transportation.

Overall, double-stacking has revolutionized the transportation and logistics industry, allowing for more efficient and environmentally friendly movement of goods. It is an important practice that has played a significant role in optimizing the supply chain and enabling global trade.
