Qu'est-ce que arius ?

Arius was a Christian priest from Alexandria, Egypt, who lived in the 4th century AD. He is known for his teachings that challenged the traditional Christian understanding of the nature of God and Jesus Christ.

Arius believed that Jesus was not divine, but rather a created being with a distinct existence separate from God the Father. He argued that there was a time when Jesus did not exist and that the Son was subordinate to the Father.

These teachings caused a great controversy in the Christian community, with some factions fiercely opposing and others supporting Arius's views. The debate eventually led to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, where the arguments of Arius and his followers were declared heretical.

Despite this ruling, the followers of Arius continued to spread his teachings and form their own communities, which became known as Arianism. The movement lasted for several centuries, influencing the development of Christianity and shaping the beliefs of many Christians throughout history.